People who have been diagnosed with the following issues are more likely to have a current or pending B12 deficiency
Anything taken orally has a long and hard journey to take prior to the absorption process beginning. As oral vitamins are ingested they are emulsified withing the stomach. The stomach contains gastric acids that are strong enough to breakdown a variety of textures and densities. The stomach acids break the ingested items down and pass them on to begin a more intense absorbency process.
All sorts of things are going on in your digestive tract from emulsifying to acids being added from the likes of the gallbladder etc etc.... now imagine how much of the vitamin has survived that journey - remember, the intestinal walls are yet to absorb the goodness and pass the unneeded waste for excretion...
Vitamin B12 injections are administered via 1 intramuscular jag (other options are available however we opt for the IM method) where 1ml of quality vitamin B12 is slowly injected - by administering in this fashion there are no acids to fight... there are no prolonged journeys... it's all instantly absorbed to the body.
I always tell my clients to think of what happens when you are in desperate need of (e.g) pain relief in hospital... if its just a mild case of pain that's bearable but annoying yes, oral medications are given... if you are in horrific pain and desperate for a fast acting and strong analgesia then medics will administer the meds via intramuscular injection or in extreme instances intravenously (in to the vein). IM and IV routes are the most direct routes for anything being absorbed into the body.
Sites we choose to use for vitamin B12 administering - deltoid (upper arm) or glute (buttock).
This list is a general outline of signs and symptoms that you may have a B12 deficiency. In depth, the list is much more extensive however these are the most regularly reported symptoms by a high percent of B12 deficient individuals.
An initial loading phase is recommended where the client should receive an injection every second day for the duration of 2 weeks, from there we recommend an injection every 2-3 months.
If the client has recognised a benefit from the loading phase he/she may recognise by their own individual symptoms when they require a top-up.
B12 is a water-soluble vitamin. When the body recognises that it has enough B12 to function well any excess will be excreted from the system primarily via urination. For the afore mentioned reason, b12 is classed as a safe vitamin to have in your system.
B12 cannot be produced by the human body and for this reason it is important to keep the bodies levels correct.
Fat-soluble vitamins are the vitamins that are stored in the body and if they are in excess they can build up to toxic levels - examples of fat-soluble vitamins are A, D, E and K - B12 is (as mentioned) a water-soluble vitamin. Ridiculous amounts of B12 would have to be present in the human body before any issues would remotely occur.
Vitamin B refers to not one, but 8 different B vitamins. All B vitamins play a role in converting food into energy in the body. Each of the vitamins also have a unique role in a persons health.
The B-Complex injection contains:-
B-Complex has been known to help with many issues some of which include:-
Certain medications can lower levels of specific B vitamins including - blood pressure medications; antiseizure medications; ulcerative colitis and antibiotic medications.
Anything taken orally has a long and hard journey to take prior to the absorption process beginning.
As oral vitamins are ingested they are emulsified within the stomach. The stomach contains gastric acids that are strong enough to breakdown a variety of textures and densities. The stomach acids break the ingested items down and pass them on to begin a more intense absorbency process.
All sorts of things are going on in your digestive tract from emulsifying to acids being added from the likes of the gallbladder etc... now imagine how much of the vitamin has survived that journey - remember, the intestinal walls are yet to absorb the goodness and pass the unneeded waste for excretion.
B-Complex injections are administered via 1 intramuscular jag (other options are available however we opt for the IM method) where 1ml of quality B-Complex is slowly injected - by administering in this fashion there are no acids to fight... there are no prolonged journeys... it's all instantly absorbed to the body.
I always tell my clients to think of what happens when you are in desperate need of (e.g) pain relief in hospital... if its just a mild case of pain that's bearable but annoying yes, oral medications are given... if you are in horrific pain and desperate for a fast acting and strong analgesia then medics will administer the meds via intramuscular injection or in extreme instances intravenously (vein). IM and IV routes are the most direct routes for anything being absorbed into the body.
Sites we choose to use for vitamin B12 administering - deltoid (upper arm) or glute (buttock).
Monthly is a good estimate however, if the client has recognised a benefit from the injection he/she may recognise by their own individual symptoms when they require a top-up.
We fully comply with the recommended dosing of 1ml treatments.
Vitamins come in both water-soluble and fat-soluble variants. When the body recognises that it has enough of the water-soluble vitamins to function well any excess will be excreted from the system primarily via urination.
Fat-soluble vitamins are the vitamins that are stored in the body and if they are in excess they can build up to toxic levels - examples of fat-soluble vitamins are A, D, E and K.
The benefits of vitamin C have been known for hundreds of years. In modern days vitamin C is commonly used to:-
Many of us are struggle to hit and maintain required vitamin levels due to our general diet and lifestyle - deficiencies are more predominant in individuals with restrictive or unhealthy diets and have diseases or illnesses that effect the digestive system.
Anything taken orally has a long and hard journey to take prior to the absorption process beginning. As oral vitamins are ingested they are emulsified withing the stomach. The stomach contains gastric acids that are strong enough to breakdown a variety of textures and densities. The stomach acids break the ingested items down and pass them on to begin a more intense absorbency process.
All sorts of things are going on in your digestive tract from emulsifying to acids being added from the likes of the gallbladder etc etc.... now imagine how much of the vitamin has survived that journey - remember, the intestinal walls are yet to absorb the goodness and pass the unneeded waste for excretion...
Vitamin C injections are administered via 1 intramuscular jag (other options are available however we opt for the IM method) where 1ml of quality vitamin C is slowly injected - by administering in this fashion there are no acids to fight... there are no prolonged journeys... it's all instantly absorbed to the body.
I always tell my clients to think of what happens when you are in desperate need of (e.g) pain relief in hospital... if its just a mild case of pain that's bearable but annoying yes, oral medications are given... if you are in horrific pain and desperate for a fast acting and strong analgesia then medics will administer the meds via intramuscular injection or in extreme instances intravenously (in to the vein). IM and IV routes are the most direct routes for anything being absorbed into the body.
Sites we choose to use for vitamin C administering - deltoid (upper arm) or glute (buttock).
Most oral vitamin C supplements are available in a concentration of 500mg where as injections are available from a minimum of 500mg up to 1g and even in some circumstances 25g - to explain, that would mean you would have to ingest AND retain 5 oral supplements to reach the levels available in instant absorption IM injections.
Vitamin C has been reported to help burn body fat whilst carrying out moderate exercise.
Monthly is a good estimate however, if the client has recognised a benefit from the injection he/she may recognise by their own individual symptoms when they require a top-up.
While oral supplements are cheaper in the short term, people with symptoms of severe deficiencies such as (listed below) will spend a fortune on oral supplements over time with absolutely no guarantee of maximum absorbency in comparison to the price of injections with a maximum absorbency rate.
Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin. When the body recognises that it has appropriate levels present the excess of the water soluble vitamin will be excreted from the system primarily via urination.
Water soluble vitamins are classed as a safe vitamins to have in your system.
If you think along the lines of a car engine - you need the correct levels of oil; fuel; coolant etc for the car to run as it should - if it lacks one of these elements then everything else starts to suffer.
Differing from water soluble vitamins, fat-soluble vitamins are the vitamins that are stored in the body and if they are in excess they can build up to toxic levels - examples of fat-soluble vitamins are A, D, E and K - Vitamin C is (as mentioned) a water-soluble vitamin.
Ridiculous amounts of vitamin C would have to be present in the human body before any dire issues would occur.
Occasionally having higher levels of vitamin C in your system than is normal for you can result in short term side effects such as:-
Occasionally having high levels of vitamin C can cause kidney stones - for this reason we WILL NOT exceed our dosing protocol for any reason.
Vitamin C is an antioxidant otherwise known as Ascorbic acid, L-ascorbic acid and L-ascorbate. As an antioxidant, vitamin C helps to remove unwanted substances called "reactive oxidative species" (ROS) from the body.
ROS are substances such as free radicals that result from natural elements that the body experiences (such as pollution).
Vitamin C and its antioxidant activity has been said to reduce inflammation and also lower the risk of some cancers - this is being continuously examined by governing health bodies across the world.
The body requires vitamin C to produce collagen. Collagen is a vital component in fibrous tissues including:-
Diabetic studies have shown that patients having taken supplements over a 4 month period had better glucous levels than the patients who were taking a placebo. There have been talks that vitamin C could (one day) become a recognised treatment for diabetes.
Vitamin C is also used alongside cancer treatments across the world and has had recognised results however THIS IS STRICTLY IN EXAMINATION STAGES and yet to be declared as an official treatment in cancer treatment regimes.
Similar to all the vitamins there is extensive information available to you in literature and online resources and you could genuinely read every night for months about them - like I previously mentioned, think of the body as a car... if a car lacks an engine part or fluid such as oil or fuel the car will not run properly and will eventually have further issues.
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